Health and Wellness

PediGlide your way to a less sedentary workday

The idea of sedentary sickness continues to gain track. The idea that sitting for eight hours a day adversely affects the body and increases the likelihood of heart problems and diseases like colon cancer is fueled by the largely inactive lifestyles most people lead as part of their daily routine.

While attempts to address the problem by incorporating a bit of standing have come in the form of campaigns such as the Stance Desk and  Stealth Rising Desktop, the PediGlide asserts that they at best introduce minor relief and other forms of back problems.

Instead, the more portable, seven-pound alternative offers a flat, foldable device that features sliding, resistance-banded platforms that can be used while sitting to keep the legs active. The company envisions it being used not only at work but on in the passenger seat of a car or even flights as well. Each PediGlide goes for $79 and is expected in June 2016. The Kickstarter campaign is looking for $20,000 by February 1st, 2016.

The war on sedentary lifestyles takes a drastic turn with the advent of the PediGlide — or, at least the company behind it will have you think so. While PediGlide is a novel approach that doesn’t require drastically changing positions, the creators share no evidence backing up the benefits it supposedly provides. Until then, standing desks or even treadmills are probably healthier if more cumbersome alternatives.

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