
IceScreen prevents your windshield from getting into a winter scrape

Winter sucks for many reasons, but a big one is the effect snow and ice have on your car. For those who need to park outside, scraping ice and brushing snow off of the windshield are a daily annoyance. In order to make this part of winter easier, the iceScreen magnetically attaches to your windshield overnight or during a snow storm. It covers the glass so that, when you’re ready, you can just whip it off and not have to scrub at your window. Made from super durable material, the iceScreen also folds up in a small bag that can be easily stored in the glove box. In the summer, just flip it over for sun reflection fun. One iceScreen goes for $20 on Kickstarter with a campaign goal of $20,000. This is one of those products that makes us wonder why no one had thought of it before. What an easy solution to ice hassle! The added perk of the sun reflector is nice too. All in all, a product that anyone who suffers through the four season will want to have.


Appliance Defender is like a giant screen protector for your fridge

Here’s something that seems like a big time winner. Something that can help reduce the necessity to clean! Appliance Defender is designed to help reduce dirt and scratches on flat surfaces all over one’s home, from the fridge to washer and dryer. The first thing that must be done, however, is to clean the area one desires to have protected from dirt and scratches. The idea is similar to the phone screen protector that comes with every new smartphone. The clear, plastic sheets come pre-cut to fit an abundance of appliances.

It’s not clearly indicated how frequently the plastic protectors need to be replaced, though the creators say that it should last for at least over a year. Perhaps that depends on whether or not the user wants to wipe them down when grime starts to show or just peel and apply a fresh round wherever desired. This campaign is seeking to raise $50,000 by November 7, 2014. For $10, backers get four 7×7 protectors with an expected delivery of January 2015. Larger pledges will get larger protectors. All in all, it seems that the Appliance Defender is a useful product for neat freaks interested in protecting their homes from grime.