
Wudz’s snap-on characters keeps kids’ laces from going astray

WudzIt’s quite possible that every kindergarten teacher and mom of multiple toddlers might stand up and applaud the Wudz’s shoelace locks. It claims to make tying shoelaces a thing of the past with an easy-to-use device the flyaway critters in place. And it still gives moms, teachers and others who might be involved in caring for kids control of shoelace tightness. That way, shoes that get placed on busy little feet stay there — unless mischievous little hands remove them personally. Wudz’s can also be used as a training tool to help kids learn to tie their shoes. The product comes in black or white, and charms can be added for attitude and style. Shoelace locks and shoelace charms are available on Amazon, but it doesn’t appear that they offer the option of being used as a tool to teach kids to tie their shoes. For a pledge of at least $12, backers get a complete Wudz set plus two extra charms. Estimated delivery is April 2014.

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