Tech Accessories

Zcan cans the wires, scans as a wireless mouse

The Premise. In a world of hard copies and clutter, sometimes it can be tough to get organized. Scanners (and shredders) greatly contribute to the cleanliness cause, but are not very convenient for a population that is forever multitasking and constantly on the go.

The Product. Zcan is a small, portable scanner that doubles as a computer mouse. With a quick zigzag motion, you can scan all or parts of a document, image, or chart and using a Wi-Fi connection, instantly send to your laptop or tablet. Scan documents in another language and Zcan will use the Google Translate service to translate for you in up to 199 languages. Create searchable documents from the hard copies around your house, scan and directly edit tables or text, and back up important documents on the go.

The Pitch. A quick video demonstrates how seamlessly Zcan can work with your laptop or tablet. Different applications are discussed including scanning tables and text to edit them, planning a more customized trip itinerary, and sharing scanned content immediately to social media. The campaign is looking to raise $30,000 in one month’s time. Other information on the campaign page includes a demo of someone scanning information, the product development process, timeline and expected hurdles.

The Perks. Regular retail price of Zcan is estimated to be $160 according to the campaign site. Two categories of Early Birds will receive a Zcan wireless scanning mouse for either $79 or $99, depending on how early they really are. From there rewards escalate to $1,580 for the Wholesaler package of 20 Zcans at once.

The Potential. There have been several wireless scanner mouse products to launch in the recent months so Zcan will have to distinguish itself to stick around. Canon has a very similar product in the market today for $89, however Zcan’s ability to scan selected part of a document is unique. Other options like LG’s LSM-100 allow you to scan a specific portion of a page, but it is not a wireless option. Being simple and intuitive along with small, wireless and relatively inexpensive, the Zcan may just find its place in our soft-copy raging world.

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