
No tricks are too tricky to measure for the iddo BMX sensor

The entire genre of points-based, extreme sport video games was popularized by the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater franchise. Not only did the title raise awareness for skateboarding, it raised awareness for other extreme sports as well, including BMX.

From video game consoles to the real world comes iddo, a BMX sensor that lets riders experience a new way of interacting with their rides. The iddo sensor can recognize specific details for a number of tricks, including speed and height data along with the accuracy of the trick itself. This data is recorded with a companion app which allows riders to analyze laps, compete against earlier times using a ghost mode, and share these achievements with friends. Challenges are also available for those who harbor a competitive streak. The campaign is aiming for €40,000 (~$44,200) in funding. Each iddo and access to its premium app will go for €159 (~$176). The device is expected to ship in September 2015.

The iddo is certainly a novel device, and when combined with gadgets like the Jalapeño and Removu P1, interest in the sport of BMX will only rise. With so many new ways to record BMX performances, both statistically and visually, extreme sports in general are poised for yet another renaissance.

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