
Puppy Wand helps defend owner and pet while taking a walk

A dog is often the most faithful and loyal friend that a person can have. Pets cheer their owners when they are feeling down, rejoice with them when they are happy, and protect them when they believe their owners need it. Puppy Wand was invented by a boy whose beloved dog gave his life for his grandma while they were walking.

According to his story on the video, another dog tried to attack the elderly woman. While the precious family dog was successful in his rescue efforts, he ended up dying from dog bites in the end. The amazing young inventor decided to take the emotional pain of that experience and focus it in a positive way that would benefit others. The leash he created doubles as a means for dog owners to defend themselves and their pet if necessary. It instantly comes apart to form a long stick-like tube that can be used to fend off an attacking dog with one hand, while keeping owner and pet secure with the other.

If the product doesn’t really garner much excitement, the story is certainly enough to pull at the heartstrings of backers. This campaign seeks to raise $5,000 on Kickstarter. Backers get one product for $45 with an expected delivery of June 2015.

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