Personal Transportation

Portable A-Bike Electric folds small enough for a backpack

While most people are far more comfortable on a bicycle than on anything else, it doesn’t mean most bicycles are suitable for the demands a busy city commute places on someone. Even the lightest bicycles can be ungainly to carry around and a pain to lock up everywhere, making them less than stellar options for getting around quickly.

The A-Bike Electric takes the compact nature of Sir Clive Sinclair’s original idea and supercharges it with a dual chain drive and brushless motor, featuring a 24V battery providing up to 15 miles of assisted pedaling even up hills. Its 26-pound foldable frame uses telescopic design in order to fold up into an extremely portable, place-it-in-a-bookbag form in about 10 seconds, making the A-Bike a worthy alternative to most commute cutting options. An A-Bike can be had for $900 provided its $76,000 campaign sees success by August 13th, 2015. Backers will be able to hop on and ride in October 2015.

The A-Bike Electric is successful at being compact, cleverly designed, and light while still retaining the familiarity with bicycles most people are comfortable with. Being able to take it along on the train or into a coffee shop is a convenience would prefer versus leaving a bicycle unattended outside. The Impossible E-Bike attempted something similar but ultimately never materialized, leaving a huge gap for products like the A-Bike Electric to be successful.

Cycling Personal Transportation

Horizon all-terrain electric trike accommodates wide range of riders, high fun factor

editors-choiceThe Premise. Paraplegics, quadriplegics and other disabled people are less mobile than the rest of us not necessarily because of their disabilities, but because there aren’t enough creative modes of transportation made for them. Designers need to think outside of the box more to accommodate the needs of everyone.

The Product. The Horizon Electric Bike is an electrically powered all-terrain trike that has three different riding modes. Power either comes solely from electricity, from pedaling and electricity or from hand power and electricity. That being said, the bike comes with different customization options. The rider can choose between foot pedals, hand pedals or a foot tray and standard handles or tri-pin handles depending on hand mobility. Horizon’s three wheels makes balancing a non-issue. Also, the seat of the trike is reclined, making it a comfortable ride for anyone, and rises for easier mounting and dismounting. The handles can be removed for possible side entry if necessary.

The Pitch. The Horizon’s Kickstarter campaign features a heartwarming video with testimonials from people of various physical capabilities who love using the bike. One of the men, Chris, suffered from a broken neck at the age of 17 and loves using the Horizon bike because it allows him to enjoy cycling again. The video does a great job of showing how the bike can be enjoyed by people of all different physical states. Horizon hopes to raise $100,000 in its 30 day campaign.

The Perks. One Horizon trike goes for $7,950 with an estimated delivery date of December 2014. Each trike is completely customizable, giving backers the choice of which handles and pedals they’d like to use as well as options for engraving.

The Potential. The Horizon Electric Bike is cool for a number of reasons. Its creators really thought about accessibility in the bike from the custom pedals and handles to the built-in ease of entry and exit. The bike also comes with a decent amount of power and speed behind it. Best of all, it’s accessible for the physically disabled, but can also be used by everyone. There is truly nothing else out there quite like it. The price tag may be a bit high, but the versatility the Horizon offers can’t be ignored.