
The Shield prevents cuts, puts them away for life

It would be nice to have a knife that cuts well, but can’t possibly slice your finger or hand open if a mistake is made. The four teenagers from Missisuaga, Ontario, who developed The Shield are trying to solve that legitimate issue.

But the inventors offer no details on what material the knife is made out of on their Indiegogo campaign page. Nor do they say how much the knife will cost or when it will ship. None of the perks they’re offering as part of the campaign include a knife either. The campaign video at the Web site shows that the knife they have come up with can indeed cut carrots and peppers, but clearly not as well as a standard knife. The teens are attempting to raise $6,000 to provide them with the tools and materials needed to advance the product. They want to create a “cleaner and more precise” knife for production.

It is impossible to gauge what chance the knife will have of success without having any idea how much it will cost. If it is reasonable, there’s no reason such a product wouldn’t enjoy some success in the kitchen accessory market.


IceScreen prevents your windshield from getting into a winter scrape

Winter sucks for many reasons, but a big one is the effect snow and ice have on your car. For those who need to park outside, scraping ice and brushing snow off of the windshield are a daily annoyance. In order to make this part of winter easier, the iceScreen magnetically attaches to your windshield overnight or during a snow storm. It covers the glass so that, when you’re ready, you can just whip it off and not have to scrub at your window. Made from super durable material, the iceScreen also folds up in a small bag that can be easily stored in the glove box. In the summer, just flip it over for sun reflection fun. One iceScreen goes for $20 on Kickstarter with a campaign goal of $20,000. This is one of those products that makes us wonder why no one had thought of it before. What an easy solution to ice hassle! The added perk of the sun reflector is nice too. All in all, a product that anyone who suffers through the four season will want to have.