Smart Home

LazyLocks smart lock secures your doors on the cheap

A friend or relative is knocking on the door. Great, now comes the wrenching decision to get up from the couch to let that person in. A connected door lock could come in handy, allowing couch potatoes to let somebody in with just a click on a smartphone app.

LazyLocks is an aptly-named and inexpensive connected door lock that works in conjunction with a free Android and iOS app. It can be easily connected to any door without replacing an existing lock, according to its Indiegogo campaign. LazyLocks uses Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and displays the status of users’ home doors right on their smartphones, wherever they are.


Access codes can be given to friends and family that will also enable them to open the door, although users can opt to restrict their access at certain times. The product costs $33 as part of an early bird Indiegogo deal and will ship in November. Its maker has set a modest campaign goal of raising only $500 by August 2.

While LazyLocks is a latecomer to the smart lock party, the product will likely appeal to many consumers thanks to the simplicity of the concept and its design. But the appeal of the product may to come into question in certain situations such as when somebody without an access code is knocking on the door, the device user is too lazy to get up from the couch, and can’t find the smartphone to let the person in. Alas, such are the burdens of the modern-day sloth.

One reply on “LazyLocks smart lock secures your doors on the cheap”

For the case that you have described in the article, I think, guys from LazyLocks could simply include accelerometer (that isn’t expensive at all) and when someone knocks with the specific code (for example, long knock – short knock – short nock etc.) it just opens the door

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