
CookStarta tucks prep food away, won’t start dinner for you though

There’s something about a home cooked meal that just usually tastes better than what one can get in a restaurant – especially when one is not doing their own cooking. But even those who enjoy cooking usually don’t enjoy cleaning up the mess. CookStarta is a multifunctional kitchen tool that assists with food preparation. The device tucks partway under one’s cutting board and can be used to scrape into and hold all the unusable pieces of veggies and meat that get trimmed in advance, or it can be used to easily transport finely chopped items into the pan or pot. The product is made of food-grade polypropylene, which is dishwasher safe and reusable. It appears that it would work with pretty much any standard cutting board.

This is one of those products that seems useful at first, until you realize that the same thing can be done with materials that are already in the kitchen. Other convenient kitchen tools that may be of interest to backers are GrillOven, Gneiss Spice, and Cuffitts. This campaign seeks to raise £8,500 (~$13,300 USD). Backers get one CookStarta for £7 (~$11 USD) with an expected delivery of March 2015.