
Night Shift bike lights are simplicity wrapped in attitude

No matter the terrain, a well-lit bike ride is a safe one. But with a plethora of options that are functionally suitable for the job, picking one is less about what it can do and more about how it looks.

As such, the rally-styled Night Shift bike light by GRIT makes the choice easy. The product is a combination of a high-powered tactical flashlight wrapped in a bomber-style silicone holder, making it both rugged enough to withstand all sorts of abuse, while being modular enough to always have choice in what lights to use. Because of this, riders can switch out batteries or entire lights on the fly, and aren’t limited to one charge as with other products like Double O. The 200 lumen Fire Road model goes for $28, and the 700 lumen model goes for $58, although it’s possible to only buy the silicone housing for $14.

The product’s modularity, simple styling, and color selection instantly make this something to look out for, and marks a break from increasingly smart bike lights like the Augur Wolf. It’s simplicity affords it a lot of versatility, something that will appeal to many.

The $8,000 campaign is ready for mass production, with an expected delivery date of April of this year, but only if it raises the money by the time the campaign ends on March 8.

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