Toys Video

Aqua Vision uses H2O to create a 3D viewing experience

Aqua VisionTelevisions with 3-D capabilities are cool, but very expensive. That’s not to mention the fact that additional costly glasses are needed in order to see the 3-D footage. Aqua Vision allows you to watch any video in 3-D off of any flat screen surface including televisions, laptops, YouTube, and tablets. These glasses come in three different forms (toy, binocular and plastic bottle) and use water to see in 3-D. The most affordable pair goes for only $13 with an estimated delivery date of July 2014. Aqua Vision needs to raise $6,500 in its 45-day Kickstarter campaign.

Tech Accessories

SoundVerter redirects, amplifies anemic flat-panel TV audio

SoundVerterWith flat-panel TVs getting ever thinner and cheaper, it’s no wonder that their audio quality leaves a lot to be desired. Speakers on these televisions are pointed at the ground, so the sound goes down instead of out towards the viewer. The SoundVerter is a simple product that sits directly below flatscreen’s speakers and directs sound towards viewers. This accessory uses the basic rules of acoustics to improve sound quality on televisions, much like Ears does for the Surface.  One pair SoundVerters costs $75 with an estimated delivery date of June 2014. This product needs to raise $20,000 in a 60-day Kickstarter campaign.