Cell Phone Accessories

Do the Hustle again with the Phone Disco ball

The death of disco back in the late 70’s was a tragedy that many still have yet to get over. The days of bell-bottomed jeans and ABBA still ring clearly in many minds, which is probably why inventor Colby Homec decided to create the Phone Disco.

The Phone Disco is a very simple accessory: attach it to a smartphone, and it filters the powerful smartphone camera light through a small disco ball to create the iconic light show central to all the best Saturday Night Fever dance-offs of the day. 

Cell Phone Accessories

The Glowme smartphone case makes every notification a light show

The rise of the smartphone has been accompanied by the many useful — and not so useful — accessories. Whatever their value, people still scoop them all up, prompting half-hearted inventors and passionate pursuers of innovation to create new add-ons in the chase for profits.

An accessory that lands itself firmly in the former category is the Glowme, a silicon smartphone case outfitted with an RGB LED strip housing 20 individual lights. Using the Glowme app, these lights can be customized to light up in whatever way a user wants, from an incoming call, an upcoming turn while driving, or even the music being played. It can also be used as an RGB flashlight or a multi-LED flash for photos, all while using “minimal” battery life.