Reading Technology

Illumina XL seeks to light up the e-reader market with greater variety

Amazon’s pioneering Kindle leads among several popular e-readers on the market. But most of them require users to buy e-books from the device manufacturer’s own online store.

Illumina XL is an 8-inch Android-based e-reader that uses e-ink technology just like the Kindle Paperwhite and a few other premium e-readers. But Illumina XL allows its users to select from a wide range of apps, including Kindle, to buy e-books. Unlike most other current e-readers, Illumina XL also supports the MP3 audio format, so users can listen to audio books and music. It’s equipped with a 3.5mm audio jack.


The Backerjack Podcast, Episode 3, with Ross Rubin and Steve Sande

Steve and Ross, your two favorite crowdfunding connoisseurs, check out three innovative products in this leaner Episode 3 of The Backerjack Podcast:

  • The promising Neeo thinking remote that turns an Android app into a true universal remote.
  • The ambitious, Immersis entertainment projection system that turns your liing room into a half-sphere of video entertainment.
  • The potentially useful Vikaura e-paper displays that turn a pricey Kindle-like screen into a home for helpful messages or other information.

All the campaigns are still active so check them out our thoughts before signing up to back them.

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