Tech Accessories

Mooltipass Mini portable protects pesky passwords

Selecting an online password and remembering it continues to be a major hassle. That’s especially true if selecting a separate password for each and every website one uses, as security experts recommend.

Mooltipass Mini is a small USB device that protects passwords with identification done via a smart card.  It integrates seamlessly with Google Chrome and Firefox support is in the testing phase, its makers say. The device uses the same security as its makers’ larger Mooltipass device that was crowdfunded in late 2014. A smart card is used to securely store an AES-256 encryption key for the user’s protected information.

Connected Objects

Vaulteq remembers your passwords better than you do

Remembering passwords continues to be one of the most irritating requirements of modern technology. Several password management systems already address this issue, but they tend to be cloud-based, which at least some consumers don’t trust.

Vaulteq is a password managing device that functions as a digital vault that the user has total control over. It is stored in the home or office, but can be accessed from anywhere the user goes with a digital device. It is compatible with Android, iOS and Windows mobile devices, and uses two-factor authentication, a technology that provides identification of users via two different components. To log into Vaulteq, the user needs a password and a virtual token that is sent to the user’s mobile app when registering. An unlimited number of accounts can use one device.

Tech Accessories

Blooky promises to end password hassle with a key fob device

One password for all the sites we frequented used to be the norm. More importantly, it used to be easy. Nowadays, though, having one password for every Web site is akin to a digital death sentence. With more and more attempts at your digital life by hackers targeting large companies with troves of our data and being successful at it, it’s up to us to make sure our data is protected and secure. Password managers claim to be a good solution, but they rely on exactly one password to protect you, which has proven to be a bad idea.

Blooky is a wireless Bluetooth password key that can work with laptops, desktops, phones, and tablets to relieve you of password worry. All you have to do is pair Blooky with your device and login to your desired site. After your first time, the product will save your credentials. Every login after that will see Blooky authenticate itself to decrypt the passwords it has stored, making every login effortless. It’s easy to deactivate should it fall into the wrong hands, offering several ways to remotely disable it. The company is also offering a Bluetooth LE dongle for your device should it lack the capability. The campaign is looking for $250,000, and backers can expect their $100 Blooky on their doorsteps by August 2015.

The inventors behind Blooky claim their encryption is unbroken thus far, but no encryption is perfect. Someone who wants your data badly enough will eventually succeed. Blooky will no doubt be an asset to the casual user, but runs the risk of being more of a convenience than actual protection in the long run. Backers interested in security may also want to check out the EveryKey.