
Purrch melds cane and bike seat, invites you to “lean on me”

PurrchFor those times when you’re stuck between standing and a seat-place, try Purrch. Purrch is essentially a little stool to lean on when seats are scarce. It looks like an angled cane with a bike seat on top. The shaft of Purrch is made out of lightweight aluminum and designed to hold up to 400 pounds. Purrch’s Indiegogo campaign has a goal of $75,000 in 60 days and features an early-bird price of $70 and a regular price of $77 (which includes a ‘Strrap’). Purrch is for people who either spend too much time sitting or standing or people who need to take a load of at inconvenient times. An alternative to canes with integrated seats, Purrch is not recommended to use if weight loss is desired; fortunately, it can sustain up to 400 lbs. of backward-leaning girth. Purrch currently has not specified an estimated delivery date.