As if being tied to a prescription isn’t inconvenient enough, there is also the added annoyance of having to carry it around if you are on-the-go a lot. A pill box is one option, or if you don’t mind carrying your meds around via modified dog tags, that is now also an option. The passion that the developer of The Dog Tag Pill Box shines through as he makes an off-the-cuff appeal for his pill holder. It’s being developed in multiple metals with a potential Italian leather interior and remains securely sealed with neodymium magnets. However, it’s definitely straddles the jewelry category with a price tag $34 when you can buy even a swank pocket pill box for far less. Expected delivery is July 2014.
Tag: prescription
Dude, what’s that strange circular glow emanating from your wrist? Well, if you happen to be out at night, Nilly Bands might be a good conversation starter. But by day, it’s a bit more obvious that the mild mannered silicone watch-like wrist band holds meds, vitamins, or other really small items that you want to tote hassle-free. Choose from a flat or rounded lid, and if glow-in-the-dark seems too over the top, there’s always black, white, blue, orange or turquoise instead. They’ll eventually come in three sizes so that you can make your ankles glow, too. For $8, backers get the Nilly Band of their color choice and an expected delivery of May 2014.