
Grocery Pal combines notepad, calculator and coupon holder for the smartphone-averse

The best way to avoid grocery store crowds, slow-moving elderly, the u-scan “impaired,” and people who seem to dawdle at the checkout with scads of coupons is to go between the hours of 1 am and 5 am. But when that’s just not practical, there’s Grocery Pal. This gadget puts the grocery list, coupons, and calculator all in one place for easy referencing, It also comes with a lanyard and magnet so as not to get lost while browsing the isles.

This might be a wonderful gadget for granny, but a smartphone works just as well for the majority of this. Some stores even offer electronic coupons that can be downloaded to a store loyalty card if customers will visit the store website, which eliminates the need for fidgeting with those paper coupons. This campaign seeks to raise $40,000 by December 8, 2014. For $20, backers get one product with an expected delivery of January 2015.

Luggage and Bags

Maître Limuzin carts groceries from market, cash from the bank

Maitre Limuzin  20140315092213-man[1]While city life can be exciting, it can also get complicated, especially when it’s time to go shopping. In highly urbanized areas, it’s often easier to bike or walk from place to place. Hence: the Maître Limuzin shopping tote on wheels. Touted as the next generation of personal trolleys, this pricey piece of glorified urban luggage and its accessory system is handmade in Germany. Priced at €1,650 for the carbon fiber version, it’s obviously aimed at those with some serious cash; this mini limo-bag ought to drive itself to the market and do your shopping, too! A similar item can be found on Amazon for a fraction of that and it still looks stylish. Nevertheless, expected delivery for the carbon fiber version is September 2014 with the stainless steel version going for a bit more.