Arts Tablet Accessories

Sketchmi lets younguns sketch whatever on their tablets

Many artists have switched over to the tech side of things to become graphic designers. They use software and computers to make art. Still, many would prefer to have the convenience of technology, while still using good old fashioned pen and paper.

Sketchmi brings these two worlds together. This product is essentially a tablet case that’s most compatible with the iPad mini, iPad 2 and iPad 3, though it may still work with other models. To use, simply place on the tablet like a case. Add a sheet of paper over the screen to use for tracing a cool picture found on the Internet or from a personal photo library.

Arts Kids/Babies

Real Crayon Maker reuses wax in its tracks

Real Crayon MakerSeems like after a while, there are more broken crayons strewn around a house with school-age kids than whole crayons. The Real Crayon Maker offers an interesting idea that may make for a fun indoor activity on rainy days, or when the kids come inside to warm up after creating backyard snow cities in the coming months. Broken crayons can be melted down in a heat safe system to create new crayons, or the melted crayons can be molded into interesting new shapes and characters.  Seems like something useful to have on hand to offer kids something new to do, but new crayons really aren’t all that expensive if the focus is on replacing the broken ones. The refurbished fun begins with $34, and an expected delivery of November 2014.