As much as people would like to change it, artistic merit evades most. And while it’s is easy to grab some supplies and a canvas and get to work, lack of ability ends up discouraging people rather quickly. What if a tool existed that could allow anyone to be creative, easily? That’s what the SprayPrinter is.
The SprayPrinter is an accessory that attaches to a spray can and wirelessly interfaces with a smartphone or tablet to allow users to spray any image onto any surface. A user simply sets up the smart device on a tripod or other stand facing the canvas to guide the SprayPrinter and then gets to work. The SprayPrinter then understands exactly where to paint, barring users from ever making mistakes. In the end, a beautiful pre-selected or custom image is printed, making the SprayPrinter perfect for gift-giving, decorating or just having some fun.