Connected Objects Displays

SeeNote puts a connected sticky note on your wall

While most companies are busy trying to figure out how to get additional devices into your home, there a wide variety of tried-and-true inventions like the infamous sticky note that do their jobs exceptionally well. The team behind the SeeNote took it as inspiration in developing its always-on, connected version of the veritable yellow legend.

The SeeNote is an attractively styled 4.2 inch square with a polycarbonate body and matte finish that can stick anywhere using an integrated 3M Command strip for easy and damage-free mounting. Its 300 dpi E-paper multi-touch display communicates important information like calendar appointments commute delays, previously set reminder, or even messages from family and friends through email or the SeeNote app.

Arts Tech Accessories

No printer? Blerline lets you easily trace whatever’s on your iPad on good ol’ paper

BlerlineAs everyone walks around constantly glued to their mobile devices, paper still remains relevant. Drawing on a tablet just isn’t the same as drawing on paper. To combine the convenience of digital with the functionality of paper, try out Blerline. These iOS-optimized sticky notes adhere to your iPad or iPhone and allow you to trace the image on your device onto the paper. It’s perfect for recreating a photograph, copying down notes or composing music. One pack of 25 notes for the iPhone 5 only costs backers $4 with estimated delivery in August 2014. Blerline hopes to raise $9,000 in a 41-day Kickstarter campaign.