
The Backerjack Podcast, Episode 6, with Ross Rubin and Steve Sande

As Steve has gotten things underway with Apple World Today and Ross sought to make himself a bit more memorable by introducing himself twice, your two favorite crowdfunding connoisseurs discussed products to keep you safe, in shape, and sanitary in Episode 6 of The Backerjack Podcast.  Among the recent ones that have caught our attention:

  • CarVi, which provides safety features similar to those in advanced luxury cars in a small windshield-mounted, connected device.
  • the LED PLAYBULB for turning your backyard into  a garden of earthly light .
  • The One, a fitness wearable guaranteed not to give you powers like The Matrix’ Neo.
  • the fun (or scary) BrushyBall coaching robotic head with glowing teeth that teaches kids how to brush their teeth.

All the campaigns and preorder pages are still active so check out our thoughts before signing up to back them. Subscribe via iTunes or RSS, download the podcast by saving this link, or listen to it with the player below:

Want to keep hearing smart takes on the latest crowdfundied products? Please spread the word via Twitter and Facebook using the links below and review the podcast on iTunes,. Also, whether you’re a Stitcher user or Zune holdout, let us know in the comments.