Connected Objects Health and Wellness Sensors/IoT

uHoo version 2. Smart air quality sensor returns with a new look

Unbeknownst to many, indoor air is usually two to five times worse than outdoor air. And as a whole, air quality is the single largest environmental hazard in the world today. Not many people do much about the air inside, though, because they simply don’t know. The lightweight, portable uHoo smart air quality sensor empowers people to act using exact readings of the surrounding air quality.

The uHoo’s soda can-like form belies the eight dedicated sensors it uses to compile accurate air quality readings for a completely open space of 400 square feet. Not only is temperature, humidity, air pressure and dust accounted for, but uHoo keeps an eye on some of the nastier stuff like PM 2.5, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds (VOC) as well.

Users can check the companion smartphone app to not only find out about the air around them but also receive tips on how to clean it, making it helpful at home and on the road. The less capable uHoo Classic goes for $89 while the uHoo Premium is $149. Both are slated to ship in December 2016 should the Indiegogo campaign reach its $50,000 goal.

The team behind the uHoo is back at it again after its previous attempt, this time with a lighter shade but with all of the same features. While these features are certainly helpful, it may not be enough when products like the admittedly more expensive and larger Sprimo both record and clean the air. Many people will find what uHoo does to be useful; many more will actually want to do something about the results because in certain parts of the world, opening a window to air out a room is the last thing anyone would want to do.


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