Personal Transportation

MovPak hybrid backpack/skateboard takes on the daily grind

Despite its novel premise that combined a bookbag with a skateboard, the original MovPak Kickstarter campaign failed to secure enough funding for production, halting the dream of a more mobile commute for its team. Two years, a few tweaks, improvements, and a move to Indiegogo later, the improved MovPak is back for a second round.

In terms of the basic idea, the MovPak hasn’t changed drastically. The sizable, 17-pound book bag still hides a retractable electric skateboard within that uses a brushless motor powered by a lithium-ion battery for movement. Together, users can remotely control MovPak to achieve speeds of up to 20mph for a 10-mile range per charge.

What’s changed are the little things: MovPak now boasts a variety of additions that range from front headlights and regenerative braking to cleverer things like Siri/Google Now integration that works well with the MovPak’s built-in speaker, internal bag lighting to more easily find items, and swappable bags that can either change the color of the pack or simply be worn by itself without the weight of the skateboard. All this together has the potential to sway more backers this time around especially considering that it’s being offered for $699, almost 50% off the eventual price. The MovPak team is looking to ship its product by September 2016 should it raise $50,000 by June 18th, 2016.

Compared to the MovPak team’s previous attempt, the product’s increased number of features and more manageable funding goal seems to be the perfect mix for success this time around. Despite that, the product itself still looks clunky and seems really heavy to truly be as useful as the team would like it be. At least the eFOLDi uses its bulk to its advantage to pack three separate travelling options into one piece of luggage. For those looking for a solution that’s much lighter than either of the aforementioned products, check out something like the Zar instead.

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