Food and Beverage

Oxx Coffeeboxx takes on tough conditions to make smooth blends

Coffee. It is the black gold of the working world. It keeps professionals awake at their board meetings and computers, and helps blue collar workers overcome Monday morning headaches and winter weather storm warnings. Oxx Coffeeboxx was built for rugged environments where an extra lift may be needed when the tire jack just doesn’t get it; large, heavy metal objects have been known to plunge to the ground, and basically, a good coffee maker can take some abuse and still brew a decent cup of java. This product is able to keep any blue collar crew happily quaffing their coffee, even if, as the video suggests, Oxx ends up on the wrong end of a demolition team.

For those occasions when the environment is less extreme and a more delicate cup of coffee is preferred, backers might want to check out the Bruvelo and BrewOver campaigns. This campaign seeks to raise $50,000 by December 29, 2014. Early bird backers get one product for $225, with an expected delivery of March 2015.

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