Imaging Tech Accessories

Photography turntable offers PC-connected 360-degree photos

In the artistic world, 360° photography is really taking off for photographers, and companies like PanoCam 3D and Ricoh are offering both professionals and casual users options to take advantage. Companies who want to fully want to display their products and make all angles available to consumers are out of luck, often having to fork over at least $2,000 for 360° photography solutions. Lower-end solutions are just out of the question with their lackluster quality.

IconasSys’ 360 Product Photography Turntable and Software is a middle-priced option compatible with major DSLRs, and offers companies the most bang for their buck. The system is easy to use, and the software allows for on-the-fly adjustments to camera parameters. When users are done, the software is able to stitch together a full 360° of the product to increase online engagement and convert that engagement to sales.

Other options take panoramic pictures of the world outside and cost a fortune to do so, so the IconaSys system doing so for products and being available for just $409 is a big deal. The campaign is looking for $12,500 to introduce this product to market by February 2015.

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