
Raspberry Pi cleans up by donning the PiKasa

Raspberry Pi devices are super useful precisely because they offer so much functionality. From messaging, games and music playback to controlling “internet of things” devices – it can pretty much handle whatever light duties need to be accomplished. The biggest problem, though, is how messy everything becomes when the bare Pi is out in the open, with all kinds of wires connected to it.

As it turns out, the Raspberry Pi cleans up nicely with the PiKasa, a simple but attractive housing structure dedicated to making the module more presentable. The housing comes complete with a 7″ HDMI LCD screen, five USB ports, a LAN hookup, speakers, a battery charger, and a spill proof keyboard just for safety. This setup deepens the Raspberry Pi’s versatility while also making it something that can be left out in the open without causing one to look like a mad scientist. Backers can grab one for $99, with a ship date somewhere in August 2015. Its funding goal is $25,000 by April 14.

The Raspberry Pi certainly has many outfits, and this one is limited to being just a desktop. If a user is looking for something a bit more portable, the RaspiTab offers some Pi in a hackable and upgradeable tablet form.

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