Connected Objects Cycling

Revolights illuminates a more connected vision of bike lights with its Eclipse+

A complete lighting system that properly illuminates all types of bicycles no matter its make or model has been a thorny problem for a long time. At least that’s what most people commonly think. After two Kickstarters, the army of backers that have made both successes seem to think it has figured it out. Now, they’ve made their way back to the crowdfunding world—this time, on Indiegogo—to introduce their Eclipse+ connected bike lighting system.

The Eclipse+ is a refinement of the original Eclipse model. While it still provides 360º illumination, the lack of cables and addition of snap-in rechargeable batteries for power makes the entire unit easier to install. But the biggest improvement comes in its Bluetooth connectivity, adding a wide-array of features facilitated by the companion Revolights iOS/Android smartphone or smartwatch app.

It’s now connected nature allows it to track your ride, turn on or off remotely depending on time of day, control turn signals with handlebar controls or smartwatch gestures, receive commute and weather alerts, and even check battery status to make sure its topped up for the next ride. Revolights is looking for $26,000 by December 1st, 2015 to smarten up its product. $169 gets interested cyclists an Eclipse+ by December 2015.

Revolight’s Eclipse+ is solid, feature-rich upgrade to an already solidly thought out product. Its ride tracking features, gesture integration, and auto on/off features are standouts and continue to separate it from other, more limited lighting solutions like Double O and WingLights.


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