Chargers/Batteries Smartwatches/Bands

SolarHug gives mobile phones an energy lift with the sun

Everybody with an energy-sucking smartphone knows how frustrating it is when the device goes dead mid-way through the day when they’re nowhere near a power source to charge it. That’s why wearable charging solutions are so appealing.

SolarHug can be used just like a USB flash drive. Just connect a smartphone, or other electronic device, to the bracelet and the phone will immediately start charging. In 50 minutes, the phone will be fully charged. One hour in the sun recharges about 5 percent of the bracelet’s battery. SolarHug is covered with a flexible solar panel that charges the battery inside, even if there is minimal light.

The device can also be used for 128 GB of data storage. Backers who pay £50 (~$78) as part of an early bird special (a 50% savings off its regular price) will get a SolarHug when it ships in April. London-based Grandpa Technology is trying to raise £70,000 (~$109,000) by mid January.

Similar wearable devices perform the same basic function, including the Carbon analog watch. The mostly aluminum SolarHug is not the nicest smart bracelet on the market, and its design could be a turnoff to some consumers. It also remains questionable how many consumers will spend more than $100 to wear a bracelet to charge their mobile device when much cheaper accessories can be bought that do the same thing.

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