Personal Transportation

Pack, sit, or ride the eFOLDi 3-in-1 scooter

One thing most people take for granted is how mobile they truly are. For some, usually the disabled or the elderly, lack of mobility is a problem they are forced to deal with every single day.

The eFOLDi three-in-one scooter not only aids those in need of mobility support, but anyone at all seeking a way to get around just a little easier. The 42lb. aluminum scooter is able to fold up into both a suitcase and a chair for maximum versatility wherever one may find themselves. The eFOLDi in scooter mode features a four four point balancing system, a battery that gets 14 miles per charge, and a motor that can reach a top speed of 12.5mph — all with a maximum load weight of 220 lbs.