Health and Wellness

Breathe portable air purifier keeps an ion irritants

Those with allergies live their entire lives constantly fighting off the torrent of discomfort that comes with being sensitive to everything from pet dander to dust to pollen. It can be so devastating as to interfere with the enjoyment of daily activities, something people without allergies wouldn’t understand.

Their suffering just goes to show how essential clean air is living an enjoyable, healthy life. With more and more of the world’s air becoming increasingly polluted, everyone, no matter if they’re allergic or otherwise, is affected. The state of the world air’s quality makes products like Breathe so much more important, a wearable air purifier designed it to eliminate odors, pet dander, dust, pollen, and PM 2.5 particles from a 32-foot radius space from its location — a tall claim considering the product’s minuscule size.

Connected Objects Health and Wellness

The Sprimo purifier uses clean design to clean air

Dealing with contaminants in the air can be a daily struggle for people ranging from those with asthma to to those allergic to pets. While people think they can head inside to escape hazardous air, that’s not the case at all: the EPA previously stated that indoor air has the potential to be 100 times worse than outdoor air.

That’s why it’s important to have devices like the Sprimo to help clean that air. Most air purifiers are big, bulky, and take time to properly filter out the air in question. The team behind Sprimo claims its small, sleekly design fan is able to filter air 50 times better than other purifiers due to its design. Its Personal Mode immediately creates a bubble of fresh air around a user, while its Turbo Mode — activated when the device is pointed upward so that the air generated is split by its brushed aluminum halo — filters out an entire room’s air quickly. A small Nest-like touchscreen on Sprimo’s face lets users instantly check the contents of their air, displaying the PM 2.5, volatile organic compound (VOC), and CO2 content along temperature and humidity scores.

Health and Wellness

GiftAir portable air purifier cleans air around you

The air we breathe isn’t always clean. There’s lots floating around in our homes and outside, especially for those who live in cities. Air pollutants can cause serious health complications and send us into illness.

GiftAir is a portable air purifying device. It’s not just for the home, but can be carried around. Its campaign boasts that the product cleans the air within a 22 inch radius, blocking harmful toxins using air-ion technology. Running on battery, the device uses solar panels to charge up quickly and efficiently. It is white and made of bio-plastic manufactured from plants. Best of all, GiftAir features a strong clip so that it can be attached to strollers to protect young ones from the air. With no filter, it’s easier to clean and blocks out more gunk from the air, including pollen for those allergic to just about everything when the season hits.

It’s always a bit suspicious when a product claims to do something that pretty much can’t be measured. And the human race has gotten this far breathing in this horrible air. Still, data shows that the air is becoming more dirty and it’s especially important to make sure children stay healthy. This would be a great gift for those traveling to new places where the air quality is so bad it can cause illness to those not used to it, like Hong Kong. GiftAir’s portability is what really sets it apart from similar products. However, it doesn’t provide smartphone feedback like the Table Air, something GiftAir should consider adding in the future. Backers can have their very own by March 2015 for a $129 donation, provided GiftAir can reach its $30,000 campaign goal on Indiegogo.