Connected Objects Wearables

Magnet provides a touch of reassurance to remote lovers

While we can’t be with our loved ones all the time, we can still say hi to them through e-mail, text or phone calls. We can see them with the help of Skype, Google Hangout or FaceTime. However, we can’t touch them when separated. Magnet offers the next best thing. Worn as either a wristband or necklace, Magnet lets you communicate with your partner through touch. Each person wears their Magnet and connects to the accompanying app. Using Bluetooth LE technology, you can touch your Magnet in a certain pattern, say three short taps. That same pattern is then transmitted to its partner, lighting up and vibrating in the same sequence.

With Magnet, you can send little coded messages to whomever you’d like and it’s just like you’re touching them. This product comes in four different colors with the choice of different kinds of necklaces or wristbands to go with it. While Magnet seems like one of those sentimental items that some of us may scoff at, it’s actually a very sweet idea, capturing the beauty of an intimate relationship from far away. For $138, any couple can get a pair of Magnets for estimated delivery in July 2015, provided the creators reach their $60,000 goal on Kickstarter.

Health and Wellness Watches and Jewelry

Dog Tag Pill Box lets you carry meds on a chain

Dog Tag Pill Box  97a54248737b91db2115ffa16053c03d_large[1]As if being tied to a prescription isn’t inconvenient enough, there is also the added annoyance of having to carry it around if you are on-the-go a lot. A pill box is one option, or if you don’t mind carrying your meds around via modified dog tags, that is now also an option. The passion that the developer of The Dog Tag Pill Box shines through as he makes an off-the-cuff appeal for his pill holder. It’s being developed in multiple metals with a potential Italian leather interior and  remains securely sealed with neodymium magnets. However, it’s definitely straddles the jewelry category with a price tag $34 when you can buy even a swank pocket pill box for far less. Expected delivery is July 2014.

Watches and Jewelry

RingSafe provides a hangout when your digits are diligent

RingSafeIn theory, the wedding ring is something that should never be taken off. But the reality is that life often provides situations that demand jettisoning the jewelry. In fact, it can be a regular occurrence in many professions such as the chef and dental hygienist endorsing the RingSafe Solo, a way to securely keep your ring on your key chain or a necklace. Unlike other options, the RingSafe allows the ring to lay flat against your chest. While a version is in the works that can accommodate a ring up to 11.5 mm wide, the standard stainless steel version  can accommodate rings up to 7 mm. It is slated to become available to backers in June 2014 for $25, a small sum to help protect that which lends dazzle to your digits. The project creators will also make versions available in sterling silver ($250) and solid gold ($2,000).