Fitness Wearables

Oli exercise wearable makes sure you can lift, bro

The path to achieving sizable gains through strength training is littered with seemingly insurmountable dead-ends. Accurate information about one’s technique is vital to overcoming these obstacles. Without such information, or an experienced trainer present, the lack of feedback can cause one to fruitlessly spend hours at the gym every week.

The information available to professional athletes is now available anyone who straps the Oli wearable exercise tracker around their arm. The Oli tracker combines a variety of sensors that can ably keep track of completed reps and sets. What’s more, these sensors can monitor the movement of workout bars as to analyze force, velocity, and power metrics. All told, the product provides users with the type of important accurate feedback needed to see discernible gains at the gym. A companion iOS/Android app is capable of syncing workout video of user lifting motions with other data obtained through the Oli for a comprehensive workout picture. An Oli armband will cost $199 and is expected to ship in January 2016. It’s makers are hoping to raise $50,000 by April 26.

The Oli is definitelynot your father’s fitness tracker. While it may eliminate the need for expensive gym memberships for some, its doubtful an armband will completely replace a an actual fitness trainer for some of the more potentially dangerous lifts. For some people, false confidence can lead to serious injuries. This one is aimed squarely at the Crossfit crowd.