
TwistTubes Side Opening Organizers help enthusiasts get it together

TwistTubesHobbyists, crafters and do-it-yourselfers seem to have the same unique struggle of keeping all the little things organized and easily accessible. That’s where TwistTubes can make a difference. The tubes are made of polycarbonate plastic, which is the same plastic used for safety glasses, so it seems that it would be a durable and long-lasting system. They can also can be compartmentalized. That being said, moms with kids who like building sets and models might also find this to be a useful product. Not sure it will alleviate the spill factor any better than anything else out there based on the way the video presents it, but it does seem to have a variety of good storage uses. For $12, backers get a set of four by November 2014.


CutterPillar Crop keeps paper positioned during portable projects

The Premise. Blades that dull quickly, inaccurate cutting, they break way too soon. These are just a few of the common complaints among those who use a paper cutter for scrapbooking and other craft projects. So how many paper cutters have you been through since you started crafting for a hobby?

The Product. CutterPillar apparently has a rather popular reputation among those who have need of a paper cutter, and so now it has decided to fill the need for one that’s portable with CutterPillar Crop. Besides having a blade that stays sharp for several years, some of its more coveted features among paper cutter users include durability and a clever but battery-needing LED light that shines through the paper so that you know exactly where the blade is going to hit.

The Pitch. The video for the $15,000 campaign suggests that CutterPillar Crop is aiming its product at a niche market of crafters, especially scrapbookers because it includes sound bite type interviews with several people from that group of consumers. There isn’t much to say outside of highlighting the features that set it apart from the others with which the interviewed consumers apparently had some pretty bad experiences. It seems a bit unbelievable that one would have to go through five to 10 paper cutters in order to find something that’s actually a good product, an average range they all stated experiencing, but the world may be different when paper is such a passion.

The Perks. There are four tiers from which backers may choose. For $30, backers get one product, and the anticipated retail price is $65-$70.  Expected delivery is August 2014.

The Potential. Many scrapbookers and archivists have moved on to computers that allows for many things that might have required “cutting and pasting” in the past to be done with the right software program today. But sometimes there’s no real substitute for the actual cropped article. While crafters might be the primary group drawn in this product, teachers might also take an interest in it, but there are of course less expensive alternatives.