Connected Objects

SCROL LED display lets you text your tiny version of Times Square

Dynamic signage is a great way to provide up to date information to customers or employees on a variety of deals, offers, wait time, or safety information, but programming new messages in takes time and an understanding of how the device works. SCROL LED is a standard LED scrolling text display box that can be mounted anywhere, with the key differences of a SIM card and an antenna to receive text messages. These messages are then displayed on the device, scrolling as they are received. Additionally, other controls for the device are tweaked the same way, from setting default messages, deleting all the backed up messages on the card, or adjusting the brightness of the LEDs.

This allows for quick and easy updating of a sign even from a distance to communicate messages to an entire group of people or publicly as they are received. SCROL LED needs £10,000 (~$15,600) to become available, and buyers can grab one for £140 (~$220). At this time, orders in the United States will not be fulfilled due to a lack of FCC certification. The amount of people still needing a scrolling LED sign of this size is low, just like the need for this device.