Smartwatches/Bands Sports

Pulse Play wearable for racket sports keeps score, doesn’t do much else

Racket ball sports such as tennis, badminton, squash and pingpong delight upper-crust players around the globe. Pulse Play is a wearable used for just such sports. Worn on the wrist, this product monitors each match and records data to an accompanying app via Bluetooth. It keeps and announces the score, remembers the stats of each match, ranks players, and can even match players up with those near them who match their playing level. The wristband comes in a rainbow of colors and is made of lightweight material perfect for working up a sweat in.

Pulse Play only really seems mildly useful. Yes, it keeps score, but the data it provides won’t help one improve their game and it’s doubtful that many are interested in being matched up with other strange players. People only want to meet strangers with the help of an app if they’re going to hook up. Perhaps if the wearable pushed a bit further and provided feedback on speed and swing, like the Arcus fitness wearable, it would enjoy some success.

Still, interested backers can have one of their own for a donation of $75 for delivery in October 2015. Pulse Play’s Indiegogo campaign has a fundraising goal of $75,000.

Tech Accessories Wearables

EveryKey looks like Jawbone UP, logs you in or out

We’re constantly faced with the reality that our personal or intellectual property can be stolen at any time. That’s why we walk around with tons of keys in our pockets and passwords in our heads to avoid just that. EveryKey works to consolidate all of that into one neat package that you can wear on your wrist. The silicon band uses Bluetooth LE technology to unlock both your physical and digital locks for you. Bikes, apartments, cars and other controlled access devices open up when in range of EveryKey. Similarly, passwords stored on the band allow you to login to your computer, phone or tablet. This smartband uses military-grade encryption so that you’re always protected from hackers. It’s water-resistant and charges via a micro USB port to USB cable. The battery lasts for up to 30 days.

Of course, with any all-encompassing device there’s convenience and risk that it’ll fall into the wrong hands. The folks at EveryKey have addressed this concern by allowing for deactivation of the device online if lost. All locks and passwords are still able to be open with regular keys and codes, adding more convenience if EveryKey is left behind at home or lost. The campaign says that the creators really focused on fashion when creating this product. While it comes in lots of different colors, it’s not the most vogue of devices, but not the clunkiest either. For those who are familiar with the FitBit, EveryKey bears a striking resemblance.

We’ve seen devices with some of these same capabilities like the Skylock which allows for wireless entry into your bike. While this product is limited in its range, only compatible with bikes, it comes with the added perk of letting the user know if their property is being tampered with. Perhaps such a feature would be a great addition to the EveryKey in later models. Still, this product is well thought out and a great addition to the smart security market. Backers can enjoy their own for $50 by March 2015, not a bad price at all. EveryKey is looking to raise $100,000 on Kickstarter.


Tempest tempts with wraparound smartband color display

The smartband and smartwatch boom has seemingly died down a little bit now that the major players each have their products either on the market or ready for launch later next year. However, it’s arrogant to expect that nobody else can come up with a better idea to push this market forward.

The Tempest Smartband is a smooth, sleek wristband that also happens to have a crisp display over the entire top half of the band. Running its own operating system and syncing up with all major smartphones, the Tempest performs on all the levels that everyone expects from a smartwatch. Where it sets itself apart is in its customizable desktop, the stacking notifications that wrap around the band, and the computing power inside. In addition to controlling camera shutters and music players, the Tempest’s display and processor are strong enough to even handle wrist-based gaming, as strange as that sounds. The Tempest team want to crowdsource $100,000 worth of donations to handle the testing and production of this device. Getting one over a supporter’s hand and onto their wrist takes a pledge of $140 and should be out in May 2015.

The display on the Tempest looks gorgeous, and would almost certainly blow competitors out of the water if it hit the market on looks alone. Like the Moment’s wraparound display, the idea of using more than just a calculator watch’s worth of a display is appealing from a design aesthetic. The issue that arises is that with just a 20-second pitch and very few photos of the device itself actually in the wild, tempering anticipation with expectation makes this project seem like it’s just a little too far down the road to support at this point. If more information and demonstration could be shared, then this would absolutely be a great choice for wearable tech enthusiasts.