Health and Wellness Wearables

BioRing tracks your biology for a better body

The hectic pace of the modern world is leaving more people stressed, sleep deprived, and lacking the proper nutrition to get through the day. That’s why information on all these various elements of daily life is crucial to make better choices. The team behind the BioRing is looking to help people do so in a tiny, unobtrusive package.

The BioRing is a simply designed, scratch-proof ring equipped with a 3-axis accelerometer, a bo-impedance sensor, and an optical heart rate sensor. The ring uses all of these sensors to track calorie, fat, and protein intake, stress levels, sleep status, heart rate, water levels, distance, and steps. The sensors by themselves aren’t enough to accurately track such a wide a range of factors, which is why the ring uses a proprietary algorithm to help make up for the gaps in technology, resulting in a margin of error of 14% for now, something the team expects to improve by the time of its expected delivery in November 2016.

Aquatics Wearables

Swimmerix wearable swim coach pools your aquatic performance metrics

The myriad of health benefits from swimming are well-documented, with pools all around the world packed with both young and old stroking their way to fitter bodies. The wearable revolution so commonly found above water has lagged when it comes to swimming, though, due to data accuracy and connectivity issues. The team behind Swimmerix believe it has created the answer to these issues.

Swimmerix is a system that tracks swimming performance and helps facilitate improvement. Made up of a smartband, base station, a companion app and cloud technology connecting it all together, it tracks everything from heart rate and calories burned to number of strokes, speed and distance. Training doesn’t achieve much without previously set goals, though, so the Swimmerix app lets users set their own so they can improve in real-time.