Urban dwellers and travelers often find a backpack (or rucksack as they say in the UK) to be the most effective way to tote their essentials. Unfortunately, anyone who happens to be standing behind the wearer often has easy access to those personal items. RiutBag offers an alternative that was clearly designed by a small team that knows a little something about what makes a great travel bag. The zippers are designed in such a way that they are not easily accessible to the general public who happens to be along for the ride on the subway, bus, train or plane. Multiple storage pockets range in size from large enough for a laptop, to a place for one’s keys. There’s even a hidden pocket for paper tickets when digital or e-tickets aren’t an option. This campaign seeks to raise £29,700 (~$47,000 USD) by November 26, 2014. For £55 (~$88 USD), backers get can nab one with an expected delivery of April 2015.