Everyone has a problem with organization to some degree, which is why so many companies continually introduce new and novel solutions to help. Usually, documents pose the biggest challenge because not only do they need be efficiently organized, doing so must be a habit. If not, it’ll quickly become a mess no one wants to sort through at the end of the year.
The Pup is a connected pocket scanner that’s small enough to be used no matter where you are. The wireless device can scan most size documents — whether they’re their own sheets or part of a book — automatically crop, rotate, format and fix curves among other functionality, and then upload it to a program of the user’s choosing like Word or Excel. It even connects to social networks as well so that parent can share a child’s newest piece of art, for example. Pup features laser guides to grab the perfect scan, single button control for ease of use, has its own lighting, can scan in color or in black/white, and has enough onboard storage to store 10,000 pages. And with its 12 hour/1,000 page battery life, it’s a tool that’s easy to incorporate into an everyday routine. $169 will get backers their own Pup for $60 0ff the eventual retail price. It’s expected to ship in June 2017 should its $30,000 flexible Indiegogo campaign see success by December 14th, 2016.
It’s unclear whether Pup does anything that a decent smartphone scanning app can’t handle. However, instead of simply facilitating better scans like the SmartStand, Pup eliminates any interaction with a smartphone for a more user-friendly device. Its ability to switch scenarios, or which program will receive the scan, is also a notable feature, making Pup a worthy addition to anyone’s routine at home or at work.