Cell Phone Accessories

iPin laser pointer fits into iPhone; points at presentations for you

Giving informative presentations is an important skill to have. Many offices and school environments require presentation skills in order to succeed. However, crouching over laptops in order to control the slides isn’t always ideal.

IPin fits directly into your iPhone’s headphone jack. When switched on, it emits a laser pointer to use for presentations. With an accompanying app, iPin lets you control any presentation from your own phone. Swipe left to continue to the next slide, right to go back, and up to produce a cursor to play videos or interact with the presentation. The pin is tiny and discreet as it sits in the phone.

All in all, the iPin is a nifty little product for iPhone users who give public talks a lot. It’s a bit small, meaning that there’s risk of it getting lost, but most know how to keep track of their various iPhone accoutrement. The one drawback is that the iPin is not compatible with the new iPhone 6 Plus, a pretty big oversight. Still, for those interested, their own can be had for $49 with an estimated delivery date of December 2014. IPin is looking to raise $10,000 on Indiegogo.

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