Depending on who it is, cooking can either be a fulfilling experience or an absolute chore. Usually, what makes it the latter is a chronic lack of time due to the busy, demanding lifestyles that are prevalent today.
OneCook is a godsend for students, full-time workers — basically, anyone without time. By outsourcing the entire cooking process to the fully automated multi-cooker, people can step away from the kitchen at the touch of a button, avoiding minor injuries and never whipping up a tasteless chicken parm again. The OneCook works by frying, steaming, boiling or braising any ingredients thrown at it. It’s connected nature lets it download recipes discovered with its companion mobile app or convert pasted natural language recipes code to make the most delicious, guarded family recipe come alive.
The OneCook is supported by a Blue Apron-esque pre-packaged ingredient delivery service, as well. Each tray fits neatly into the top of the machine, making the idea of thinking about what to eat easier as well. A OneCook without any subscription plan is priced at $299, while three, nine or 12 month options make it progressively cheaper — just like a smartphone. The $100,000 campaign is looking for success by February 18th, 2016. Backers should expect their very own OneCook to ship by August 2016.
In a world where most people wouldn’t argue having a personal chef in the home, OneCook is the next best thing. The ability to customize recipes based on feedback on older meals or to accomodate an alternative diet makes a compelling case for it to be on the kicthen countertop. While the similar MAID Oven is not as fully featured when it comes to how many cooking techniques it can employ, it integrates with the a mobile to track activity and automatically tailor a diet accordingly. Both are awesome products, making it a wonderful time to be the laziest cook on the planet.