
SnoreNoMore promises silence in store

The Premise. Many adult men and many women suffering from nighttime snoring. Snoring is a symptom of an obstructed airway and can cause sleep problems and, in many cases, marital problems.

The Product. SnoreNoMore is a cure for snoring. This device looks much like an electric toothbrush without a head. It vibrates and has a soft rubber tip that is placed in the mouth against the soft palette to stimulate the area. This stimulation supposedly retrains the airways to work properly in order to alleviate snoring. The device is rechargeable and comes in several different colors. An accompanying Android/iOs friendly app allows users to track their progress with a snoring diary and reminders to use the device.

The Pitch. The campaign video begins with a cute cartoon of a couple’s distress over snoring. Hilmar Simon, the creator, then explains the mechanics involved in snoring and how his product works. He tells about how his father and sister’s snoring made their house shake which motivated him to search for a solution. Simon hopes to raise $140,000 with his 31-day Indiegogo campaign.

The Perks. For a $50 early-bird special, backers can enjoy the app alone. For $100, backers get the app and $50 off of their purchase of a SnoreNoMore. Only backers willing to fork over $350 can help with the beta stage of testing for 2-3 months, will receive the app and $100 off of the product, but still not the product itself. Only $1,000 gets backers the product, actually four of them, as well as the app.

The Potential. The idea of an actual solution for snoring as opposed to a temporary remedy is intriguing. Snore strips and mouthpieces must be worn every night to temper snoring, but the SnoreNoMore actually attempts to retrain the body to open up your nasal passages. The price of this product, however, is unreasonable and there should most definitely be a reward tier that offers one of the product instead of four. It seems that this should cost no more than an electric toothbrush because of how similar they are. Also, the video lacks any footage of someone using the product, and from the description, it sounds uncomfortable. Still, most would welcome a cure for their snoring no matter the cost. The app is also a welcome supplement for those who really struggle with this problem.

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