Food and Beverage

Tealightful timer times brewing tea, makes the perfect cuppa’

There is an art to brewing tea. Many tea shops recommend certain water temperatures and, more importantly, specific brewing times for different types of tea to get that perfectly brewed cup.

Tealightful takes the guesswork out of brewing time for tea. This product looks like any standard tea ball and the user can insert their own teabags, loose leaf tea, or herbs of their own choosing. To set the brewing time, just twist Tealightful and drop in the water. When the time is up, the ball automatically closes making sure that the tea doesn’t steep for too long. Tealightful is long with a handle that makes gripping easy and comes in white, beige, black or gray.

This is a nifty little product, plenty useful for those who love tea. All tea comes with instructions on brewing time and Tealightful makes it super simple to follow these instructions. Backers can have their very own for a donation of $25 on Kickstarter. If Tealightful can reach its $40,000 goal, backers will receive theirs by June 2015.

Food and Beverage Home

Brewie brews beer at home both for the novice and expert brewer

Beer is a popular drink among many adults. Its brewing process, however, is a bit complicated, keeping people from being able to brew their own beer. Balancing out the ingredients and letting the beer ferment are simply too difficult for a novice to do at home.

Brewie makes it possible to brew one’s own beer at home. This large metal box comes with yeast, hops, malt and different recipes. To use, place the Brew Pad in the box and scan the accompanying card. It will begin to brew. Brewing takes about 5-6 hours for the initial cooking period and about 5-16 days of fermenting.

Brewie offers all different kinds of beer including: IPAs, reds, stouts, and pilseners. This at-home brew systems goes through 10 different steps in its brewing, so the user can add additional hops whenever they want, making it possible to brew their own kinds of beer and virtually any kind of beer there is. In addition, Brewie makes brewing beer fun for experts too and gives control over 23 parameters of the process, if the user wants.

While this machine is large and bulky, it does have some cool promise. At-home brewing usually involves a lot of accessories and work in order to create a great tasting beer. Brew takes all of the hassle out of at-home brewing. Its automatic and manual options make it versatile too, allowing it to be enjoyed by beginners and experts alike. One will cost backers a donation of $1,299 for the beginner pack. Brewie is hoping to raise $100,000 on Indiegogo.

Food and Beverage

Brewover 2.0 coffee maker makes it cold or hot for you

Coffee is not only a great way to start out the day, but pretty much mandatory for any caffeine fanatic. There are lots of different ways to make coffee, but some are better than others.

The Brewover 2.0 combines three different methods for making coffee: the ever-popular filter method, the pour-over method and the cold brewing method. With its copper design and hourglass shape, this brewer does it all—or at least does three.

The lesser known pour-over method involves pouring hot water through a filter and directly into the cup for super fresh coffee. For those who like iced coffee there’s the cold brew method. This technique is known for producing much more flavorful iced coffee than simply putting hot coffee over ice. It involves brewing coffee with cold water over a 2-10 hour period.

There have been lots of coffee brewers recently on Backerjack, such as the Evolve 3.0 and Cafflano. What sets the Brewover 2.0 apart, however, is that it provides cold brew, something that few coffee makers can offer. One will cost backers $60 AUD (~$49 USD) for estimated delivery in May 2015. Brewover 2.0 hopes to raise $35,000 AUD (~$28,800 USD) on Kickstarter.

Food and Beverage

Evolve 3.0 offers three ways to brew coffee, not just in theory

There are lots of ways to brew coffee and even more devices that go with each brewing method. French presses, espresso machines, Keurig machines, coffee makers and more clutter our homes all in the name of brewing that perfect cup of coffee.

The Evolve 3.0 is a three-in-one coffee maker. This simple product allows the user to make coffee using either the stovetop method, pour-over method or plunger method. With different parts, it makes it possible to enjoy a cup in three different ways depending on your mood or time constraints.

With each method, the Evolve 3.0’s kettle design makes it easy to serve the coffee. Best of all, this device doesn’t require any kind of paper filter as it uses metal filters of its own. This product is stovetop and dishwasher safe.

The Evolve 3.0 offers three great options for coffee lovers. However, in the morning the last thing anyone wants to worry about is boiling water, which the Evolve can’t do on its own. Perhaps with an integrated water heater, the Evolve will truly be unstoppable. One will cost backers a large donation of $300 NZD (~$234 USD) for delivery in October 2015. Evolve 3.0 is hoping to raise a whopping $160,000 NZD (~$124,800) on Kickstarter.

Food and Beverage

Cafflano combines full coffee shop in one mug; brews java on the go

Coffee is far and away the most popular way to start out the day all around the world. There are a million different ways to prepare it, but those who want their java just so must either do it themselves at home or hope that a barista knows how to make their preferred beverage.

Cafflano is an all-in-one coffee maker that brews fresh coffee anywhere. Cafflano features five parts: a grinder, drip kettle, filter, dripper and tumbler. While it looks like just a regular travel thermos, it actually packs quite a punch. With this product, its possible to enjoy the freshness of newly ground beans without having to pay the price either in time or money. Made from stainless steel on the inside and silicon on the outside, this product is durable and sure to keep coffee hot.

This is one of the fancier travel mugs that Backerjack has seen. Most opt for a K-Cup type model, like the Hey Joe travel thermos. Cafflano offers freedom from cartridges, though may take more time and effort to prepare coffee with. One will cost backers £36 (~$56) for estimated delivery in February from London. Cafflano is hoping to raise £1,000 (~$1,500) on Kickstarter this time around as it was unable to find success in July 2014.

Food and Beverage Technology

Somabar intelligent bartender packs mixology into a box

A cocktail is one of those things that is easy to enjoy, but a challenge to create well. Precisely mixing the right ingredients is of utmost importance, but without practice the experience can quickly become a mess or result in less than stellar flavor. For many people, this ultimately relegates the cocktail to a luxury that can only be enjoyed at a bar, and never at home.

Somabar is a Wi-Fi enabled, intelligent bartender capable of creating perfectly mixed cocktails in under five seconds, finally bringing the mixologist home. Dishwasher-safe Soma Pods can be easily connected to it and filled with a user’s favorite ingredients, even boasting the ability to infuse bitters. Somabar thoroughly measures and mixes all ingredients, and the creations that result can be altered to a user’s preference using the companion iOS and Android app. In addition, users can create their favorite cocktails and share them to the Somabar community. The $399 Somabar is slated for a July 2015 delivery provided the campaign reaches its $50,000 goal.

The world of cocktails and mixed drinks can be overwhelming. Products like the Somabar are trying to make delicious beverages much more accessible by offering platforms that pretty much do it for you. Others like the B4RM4N and Connected Ozz also help users make cocktails but do so while teaching how to create them as well. Although Somabar won’t be teaching users anything, it makes up for it with its ease of use and dead simple operation.

Food and Beverage

K-Easy prevents sinking feeling by continuously replenishing coffee makers

Coffee is the fuel for many important corporations around the world: if workers don’t get their coffee break, something within them dies. For many people, this is especially true in the morning.

K-Easy is a water sensory device that automatically adds water to a coffee machine whenever it runs low. The product works with any coffee machine that has its own water tank. There is a fail safe control board that has a timer for automatically shutting down the device in the event that the sensor fails and water flows for more than 15 seconds. Installation is easy for most home or office environments, and there are only two fittings that need to be tightened with a wrench. All other adjustments can be done by hand. The campaign claims that the installation can be completed by non-plumbers.

This product’s aimed at busy professionals who can justify doing a little upfront work to avoid those laborious trips to the fountain acrsos the kitchen. Coffee-loving backers may also want to check out the Arist,  Bruvelo and for those who like to entertain and aren’t in a hurry for their coffee, Brewover. This campaign seeks to raise $10,000. Backers get one product for $50, with an expected delivery of January 2015.

Food and Beverage Travel

Tea lovers, Qterra Novo lets you sip on your trip

There’s something about having that preferred caffeinated beverage to kick the workday off right. And those who like toting their tea with them can now do so without using a travel mug – sort of.

The creator of Qterra Novo says in the video that this product is not a travel mug, but it does appear that it’s typically used that way. The mobile tea-making mug lets users store tea leaves in the cup at the bottom of the unit. Then hot water gets poured into the top of the unit, and it can be stashed in a backpack, purse, or briefcase. When ready for the tea, press the button for the amount of time that is desired for the tea to brew. Steeping can take as little as 10 seconds, depending on desired tea-flavor robustness. Tea can be re-steeped up to six times per day. One especially interesting feature is the straw that acts as a cooling system for hot tea. It cools 1.5 ounces of tea at a time to the “perfect” drinking temperature, while the rest of the water stays hot until ready for drinking.

This product may have more of a regional appeal since it was inspired by the history of Argentina, China, and an apparent aversion to travel mug association. However, anyone who enjoys tea might find it interesting to try. It’s portability will be especially appealing to commuters. Backers may also be interested in Espro Travel Press,  Trimr, and KoffeePress campaigns. This campaign seeks to raise $150,000. Backers get one product for $25 with an expected delivery in March 2015.

Food and Beverage

Trongs prevents evidence of sticky fingers

For those who don’t listen to that old tape of their mom’s voice in their head saying, “Wash your hands before you eat!” there is now a new type of eating utensil emerging in the marketplace.  Trongs goes one step further than a spork and blends tongs and a mini tripod. The idea is a product that fills in the gap between a fork, spoon and knife so that people can eat those traditional finger foods like french-fries, buffalo wings and barbecue ribs without having to get one’s fingers dirty and sticky and using lots of towelettes. Trongs lets the user pull rib and chicken meat away from the bone.

While they are washable and reusable, it’s unclear if they are dishwasher safe, or exactly what they are made of. Also, it doesn’t seem that they’d work so well with pizza, though that finger food can be eaten with a fork and knife if one really wants to do that.  This campaign seeks to raise $150,000. For $25, backers get one pack.

Food and Beverage

Das Kühling makes your beer cold as ice without much sacrifice

If there is anything that the Germans can do right, it’s beer. In fact, if there’s a way to arrange it so that the beer comes out of the kitchen faucet, they will find it.

Das Kühling makes beer lovers’ dreams come true. This portable music amp turned beer amp can easily go from the kitchen sink to road trip to rock concert since it only takes 12V DC to make it function. So it can be hooked up to a car or truck battery. The user connects a beer keg directly to the amp, set it to the desired temperature and in minutes the beer is cold and ready for drinking. An indicator light lets the user know how much has been poured. Once the beer is gone, the amp self-cleans when hooked up to a line of fresh water. It’s not entirely clear how much the product weighs overall, and it is presently compatible with G-type coupler kegs, though broadening the compatibility is in the works.

This product will likely have wide appeal from the young adult to the baby boomer who appreciates rock-n-roll classics and memorabilia. And of course, anyone who feels that it’s the beer that makes the party. Backers who like to add some games to their beer and fun might want to check out the Allin and Shot Timer campaigns.  This campaign seeks to raise $150,000. For $499, backers get one Das Kühling with an expected delivery of August 2015.