Luggage and Bags Personal Transportation

MODOBAG luggage/scooter combo gets you to your gate in a jiffy

Packing light is the cardinal rule when flying, but sometimes that can’t happen. Occasionally, it’s necessary to pack a lot more. In these situations, it just isn’t fun wading through the airport masses with a carry-on and multiple bags to check in.

The MODOBAG attempts to alleviate the situation by providing weighed-down travelers with the option of hopping on and taking it for a ride. The carry-on/scooter combo features a fully motorized 2000 cubic inches of space within a lightweight aluminum chassis weighing in at under 20 pounds that travelers can use to cruise around at a top speed of eight miles per hour, enjoying steady control with a precise steering column.

Three hours fully charges the MODOBAG’s TSA-compliant lithium ion battery, the status of which can be checked with the the product’s iOS and Android app. The app can also track someone’s travels, tally distance traversed, and interfaces with the SmartPoint packing app to pack smarter.  The MODOBAG goes for $999 with an estimated ship date of February 2016. Its campaign is aiming for $160,000 by October 3rd, 2015.

MODOBAG is a compact, interesting solution to a universal problem everyone faces at least once in their lives. That said, this is only really viable for someone who travels pretty frequently and doesn’t truly help with a bundle of large suitcases by itself. In any case, this type of idea has been attempted before in the Coolpeds Solar Electric Scooter and Commute-Case but both ended in failure, showing just how hard executing this idea really is.

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