Tablet Accessories

TabletTail offers a wide range of ways to keep your pad properly propped

TabletTailAs more amazing apps come rolling in, tablets have become increasingly useful. Whether you’re navigating, watching a show, leveling a picture, etc. it’s necessary to have your hands free, but simple stands don’t always do the trick. TabletTail attaches to the back of your tablet and suctions or clips to whichever surface you need. It uses different tail styles for if you need the tablet upright, angled to the side or even wrapped around a pole. For $90, backers can enjoy the complete TabletTail package which includes the attachment needed to secure the tablet, the tail to angle it and the clamp to attach it to the appropriate surface with estimated delivery in September 2014. TabletTail hopes to raise $20,000 in a 30-day Kickstarter campaign.

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