
Odor-eliminating toilet seat fans your stink into the wild

Without getting into specifics, many people have a certain degree of embarrassment or even panic about dealing with the aftermath of using a restroom, particularly at a friend’s or date’s house. Many a comedic movie scene or shameful story has been made about these moments of desperately opening a window or finding a chemical spray to mask the smell.

The Fresh Air Plus is a toilet seat designed to prevent this situation from ever happening again  by pumping the foul air out of the toilet before it ever has a chance to escape. Powered using a nearby electrical outlet, the Fresh Air Plus uses a hose to an outdoor vent to remove the smell discreetly and privately. The Fresh Air Plus fits any standard toilet and replaces the existing toilet seat. It also includes a no-slam system that eases the lid down gradually.

This product offers people who are sensitive about bathroom matters a chance to avoid the stinky subject entirely, as the odors never even have to leave the bowl. Adam Payz, the inventor of the Fresh Air Plus, is trying to raise $80,000 to move the product from the prototype phase. It only costs $160 to get rid of the dirty bathroom smell forever, once the Fresh Air Plus ships in March 2015.

There’s a subtle contradiction in purchasing an item for your bathroom to hide the evidence of smelly behavior when that item requires hooking up a hose to your toilet, plugging it in, and adding more lights to the toilet than the average pachinko machine. The Fresh Air Plus is certainly doing its best to innovate, but when you have to drill a hole in the wall and run a hose to hide something that everyone goes through, maybe, just maybe, the issue is more mental than physical and odiferous.


Happy Poo plunges to new depths in unclogging toilets

Happy PooEveryone is familiar with that sinking feeling that comes with observing that the toilet is clogged up and about to overflow yet again. The creator of Happy Poo argues that his invention is more sanitary and eliminates issues of splash back caused by a standard plunger, but it looks like it takes more effort and involves far more undesired close contact with the toilet. It also appears to be a knockoff of the Korean product Pung-too. In addition, $8 for one product seems a bit pricy when an old fashioned plunger, which can be reused when necessary, can be purchased for as little as about $6, but this could be more effective at times. Anticipated delivery would be November 2014.


Marriage Saver resolves centuries-old argument

Marriage SaverThis item may very well be the perfect wedding present. Why? Because it always makes sure that the lid is down – as long as he remembers to actually flush the toilet.  It’s also highly unlikely that Marriage Saver is going to be a duplicate gift – until it hits the mainstream marketplace. Since the automatic lid closing device is removable, it can even be installed in the honeymoon sweet bathroom and taken home for reinstallation. And when it’s vacation time, the family won’t ever have to leave home without it. For $46, wives and sensitive husbands can take the first step in revolutionizing their homes and vacation plans.  Expected delivery is December 2014.


Clingies make it easier for towels to hang around

ClingiesMaybe, just maybe, the kids would pick up their bath towels if they stuck to the wall and didn’t have to be hung up. Perhaps it’s worth a try, and Clingies is prepared to stick with persistent parents. As for the other adults in the world, the convenience of a magnetized towel, and when needed, a corresponding docking dot, means less hassle when  cooking in the kitchen, working in the shop, exercising in the gym, or wherever one might be that a towel may be needed. For $11, backers get one towel in their color choice and a docking dot with an expected delivery of August 2014.

Cell Phone Accessories

The Phone Sitter is a phone throne for the bathroom

The Phone Sitter  6b88386fffa1d1483ea6df9b070261ab_large[1]The four hundred billion dollar question posed in connection to this particular campaign via its video: Do you use your phone in the bathroom? Given the fact that 1.4 billion phones have been dropped in the toilet, there are apparently many who do. And the above noted amount is a rough total in losses. The Phone Sitter is a plastic phone mount that is specially designed to dock your phone on your bathroom wall while you dock yourself nearby for a more pressing matter. While it won’t actually do anything to prevent your phone’s demise should it go for a swim in the porcelain pool, the idea is that having a dedicated place to put one’s phone should help avoid positioning that leads to such unfortunate circumstances. The creator’s goal is to get this handy-dandy gadget mounted in every bathroom in America – even in your place of employment. (So much for hiding in the bathroom to escape the boss for a while.) For $30, a backer gets The Phone Sitter in their color choice with an expected delivery of June 2014. Or you could just leave it on the sink