Connected Objects Fitness

Skulpt Chisel helps body sculpting by monitoring fat

Having a device that can accurately measure one’s body fat can go a long way towards achieving fitness goals.

Skulpt Chisel is a device about the size of a typical smartphone that has 12 sensors on its back that can be used to measure 24 body muscles just by pressing it up against those muscles. It sends a tiny current past the subcutaneous fat and through the muscle fibers, picking up thousands of data points per second, according to its Indiegogo campaign. The technology then evaluates the flow of that current to accurately measure the fat percentage per muscle, and rate that muscle’s fitness.


Run right into improved performance with the RunRite running system

Most wearable running devices focus on different variables like heart rate and stride, but with the activity being such a personal activity unique to each body, simply keeping track of disparate variables isn’t enough. Each body has its own potential and limitations so a system needs to not only obtain the necessary data but also analyze it, too.

This is exactly what the RunRite system does. Comprised of two sensors worn around the legs, RunRite takes in common data like heart rate along with more refined data like power output and pace. The system then compiles this data and assigns a running efficiency score, advising runners how best to increase that score during a run and analyzing the data to recommend exercises to improve performance between runs. RunRite works on iOS, Android, and some Windows devices, and goes for $199, with an expected ship date of September 2015.. Its campaign is looking for $60,000 by June 4th, 2015.

Other products like the Stridalyzer and runScribe also serve up valuable information on running performance, but the RunRite has them beat on both the quantity and quality of that information, in addition to the exercise recommendations it provides. Most running systems are best used during the run, while RunRite stays helpful all the time.


U-Liner will make you finer, offers exercise in a small package

People don’t exercise enough. That’s just a fact. Part of the reason is that most think they need expensive gym memberships or complicated fitness devices to get their workout on. That’s just not true.

The U-Liner delivers dynamic workouts in a small tear-shaped package. This device has the ability to work out the arms, legs, abs, back and more. It folds out in unique ways and provides resistance for strength building. Best of all, it doesn’t actually look like a fitness device, and blends in seamlessly with any home’s decor.

U-Liner is a lot like the Tao WellShell. However, Tao provides realtime feedback with the help of an accompanying app. The U-Liner team may want to consider such an addition going forward. Still the device is simple and clever, providing a bit of physical exertion anywhere. One U-Liner will cost backers a donation of $22 by June 2015. This little product has a funding goal of $5,000 on Indiegogo.

Connected Objects Fitness

Smart Rope skips the gym, provides fitness and feedback in one sleek jumprope

Many people who work out require fancy gadgets, large equipment, or complicated machines to get the job done. They forget that fitness doesn’t have to be so complex and that a good workout can be had with one or two simple tools.

The Smart Rope takes one such humble tool, the jumprope, and ushers it into the 21st century. Smart Rope works with an accompanying smartphone app that tracks the number of jumps, calories burned, and the duration of each workout. It also lets users input their height, weight, and BMI so that the app can come up with the best training regimen for each individual user. Best of all, the rope itself comes equipped with LED lights that, when the rope is in use, displays to the user either the number of jumps made or calories burned.

While Smart Rope’s app isn’t the most sophisticated workout app on the market, it’s a great start for a product that plans to add many more features as funding comes in. Smart Rope doesn’t have the same portability as the very similar Sophia, but it does boast a much sleeker look. For their own, backers can donate $60 for delivery in September 2015. Smart Rope is hoping to raise $60,000 in funding on Kickstarter by April 6.


WalkSlide fitness device provides low-impact workout for older folks

Many people choose to engage in jogging in order to stay in shape. However, some of the best workouts come with aching joints. For older folks, it’s important to stick with low-impact activities to stay healthy and avoid injury.

patent-claimedThe WalkSlide was created for older fitness buffs. This product is a treadmill, cross-trainer and Nordic Skier in one. To use, one must stand on the foot pads and grasp the handles on either side. The product can be used to either go uphill or downhill based on which way the WalkSlide is facing.

The WalkSlide joins scores of similar workout products that we’ve seen on Backerjack. It seems like a useful product, especially for those who need a low-impact workout, but doesn’t come with any kind of display of calories burned or time elapsed. In addition, it looks a bit unstable, like someone might be able to lose their balance easily.

For a donation of $129, backers can have one by July of this year. WalkSlide is looking to raise $50,000 in funding by March 6.

Fitness Health and Wellness

Pitt Sportbelt lives on the waist, offers suspension training wherever

Suspension training is the latest thing in fitness. Basically, a series of cables and handles let the user harness their own body weight for resistance.

patent-claimed Pitt Sportbelt is one such suspension training system. With adjustable straps, the Pitt actually lives around the waist. So, when one is out running or cycling, they can whip the Pitt out whenever they choose. The campaign video does a great job of showing how this product mimics gym equipment, but can be used outside instead. It’s made from black nylon with orange handles and is completely washable. The system also comes with a door anchor to make working out at home easier.

As stated above, the suspension training trend is at an all-time high. People are looking for ways to get that kind of workout, and Pitt is one such method. It’s especially excellent for those who abhor the gym. Backers can have their own for a donation of €129 (~$146) with delivery in July of this year. Pitt Sportbelt is looking to raise €25,000 (~$28,200) in funding by March 3.

Health and Wellness

AK Athletic Kit uses cables for suspension training, gets results without the gym

As gym memberships become more and more expensive, people are exploring new ways to work out. Instead of relying on heavy duty machines for fitness, those looking to get in shape are venturing outside with a few small workout accessories.

patent-claimedThe AK Athletic Kit is a system of handles and cables that offers a suspension training workout. Such a workout uses the body’s weight to provide resistance. To use, attach the cables to something secure and choose the appropriate handle. With the kit, hundreds of different exercises are possible including everything from squats to pull-ups. The kit comes with instructions on how to do each exercise along with guides for circuit training. On Kickstarter, AK is shown in many different settings being used for different types of workouts. One AK Athletic Kit will cost backers a donation of $100 CAD (~$80 USD) for estimated delivery in May 2015. AK is looking for $30,000 CAD (~$23,950 USD) in funding.

While there are scores of fitness products that we’ve seen on Backerjack, such as the coreXtreme, AK sets itself apart. Most of these devices usually focuses on the core, but AK seems to do it all. More importantly, it’s similar to the TRX, a suspension training fitness system that’s currently quite popular.


Hydropacer swim trainer guides swimmers, lights up laps

editors-choiceSwimming is a great way to stay in shape. Not only is it challenging and beneficial, but it’s a low-impact way to get some much-needed cardio.

Swimming workouts can be hard to keep track of, which is why the Hydropacer was developed. Hydropacer is a smart swim trainer that works with an accompanying smartphone app. Simply hook the smartphone up to the device and then set Hydropacer up along the side of the pool. It has a string of LED lights that go into the pool and rest along the bottom of the lane. The lights indicate how many laps must be done. With a rechargeable battery, this product can be used for a long time. It’s also portable at about the size of a tissue box so it can be brought to public pools.

In order to use, the swimmer selects which workout they want from a variety of choices and hits play. They have the option to pause, slow down or speed up any workout they choose. The app’s workout library is vast, spanning from Iron Man training sessions to speed conditioning. Hydropacer’s creators have compiled many routines from lots of different swimming professionals.

This product is certainly a cool concept, great for swimmers who need some help with their training. However, it isn’t executed that well. There isn’t any indication of how deep the pool can or cannot be in order for the lights to reach to the bottom and the design is lacking in style. Currently, it can only be used in 25 yard long pools. Still, swimmers can enjoy a wide variety of workouts which is a huge plus. For their own, backers can donate $360 for estimate delivery in May 2015. Hydropacer is hoping to raise $35,000 on Kickstarter.

Health and Wellness

Gym Handle Attachment offers cleaner workout option

Working out is one of the best stress management techniques out there. But the gym is not necessarily the cleanest place when one considers the sweat and other body fluids floating around.

The Gym Handle Attachment allows the user to keep their germs to themselves, and potentially escape contact with others. The product has a steel attachment ring and a comfort grip handle which is presumably rubber, though that is not stated. It attaches to weight machines, replaces the other attachments they usually provide.

It’s not entirely clear how convenient it is to tote a gym handle attachment around when there is portable hand sanitizer out there that seems much more practical, but the handle does appear as though it may be a quality product. Backers concerned about making sure hands are as clean and germ-free as possible might want to check out the SaniTimer and Nailbon E. This campaign seeks to raise $10,000 on Kickstarter. Backers get one product for $100 with an expected delivery of July 2015.


coreXtreme offers a rock hard core, lets you plank on planks

Strengthening the core is one of the most important ways to get in shape. Core strength helps your posture and assists with back pain.

Coming to the core scene is the new coreXtreme, a core strengthening fitness device. The product lies flat on the ground and is designed with two long planks and a series of multi-colored fitness bands. Each color indicates a different resistance in the bands, making each workout customizable. Using this product, fitness buffs can plank and workout their arms, legs or abs.

CoreXtreme joins scores of other fitness devices we’ve seen on Backerjack like the STABALLIZER and the BodyBoardX. While this product may offer great fitness training, it’s a very awkward shape and doesn’t fold up like many other devices do. In addition, it seems a bit limited in its capabilities. One will cost backers a donation of $1,000, woah, for delivery in February 2015. This product is hoping to raise a ridiculous $1,000,000 goal on Kickstarter—good luck with that.