
Latigo is a simple strap to keep your bike hanging around

35aabd0d864bd6f2fe5b751e5c302da1_largeBuying a bike rack eventually crosses the mind of most cyclists, because leaving your prized possession outside at the mercy of the elements and of possibly being stolen isn’t the most comforting thought. Bike racks take many forms, but never like the LATIGO by Plain Leather LLC. Technically speaking it isn’t a bike rack, but rather a leather strap that hangs from the wall to hold your bike. Even though there are bikes everywhere in the sparse campaign, this product could be marketed as pretty much anything else. Those convinced can get one for $25 — just watch out for dirty walls. The company is looking for a $7,500 for their leather dream.


Cyclists will never be stranded on the road with a flat as long as they have a CrankPump

crankpumpWhether it’s a seasoned rider that’s prepared for the worst at all times or a casual cyclist who just likes to ride now and then, nothing sours the experience worse than a flat. CrankPump is a simple tire inflating system that is aerodynamic and easily accessed because it replaces a plastic axle cap found on Shimano brand cranks. Unscrewing that cap and replacing it with a CrankPump gives riders access to a CO2 pump that will get the ride going in just a couple short minutes. This is a great idea for bike-lovers, but because it’s limited to Shimano cranks only, anyone that prefers other models won’t be able to enjoy this product. CrankPump hits the road in February 2015 for £15.

Cycling Personal Transportation

Bikes gear up easy e-conversion with Fusion Sports Drive

editors-choiceThe Premise. Even if electric bicycles offer an ecologically friendly alternative to other means of transportation, inherent battery limitations and companies instituting closed systems have driven prices up. This relegates even the most forward thinking e-bike into ultimately being an expensive curiosity.

The Product. Falco seeks to rattle the electric bicycle market with its Fusion Sports Drive. The company has created a gearless electric drive capable of being installed on pretty much any vehicle with pedals, complimented by a fully open system that allows the user to replace the 50 lithium ion battery with any available on the market. The Fusion Sports Drive boasts an impressive array of features over competing products, with standouts including regenerative braking, smart phone integration, and cardio-controlled biometric training. 

The Pitch. Falco’s Kickstarter campaign is detailed, containing a five-minute video showing the drive and its companion app in rugged action. Diagrams illustrating the product’s features and high quality photos round out the rest, giving you a clear idea of everything the Fusion Sport Drive can do. Falco is looking for a hefty $100,000 infusion to ramp up production and stay ahead of competition. 

The Perks. There are many choices for backers considering their very own Fusion Sports Drive. Those interested can fork over $495 for just the 250W drive and control unit, $695 for the entire 250W road legal system, or up to $1,095 for the “limited edition” 350W model. These are all subject to specific country requirements and are slated for delivery in April 2015. 

The Potential. Compared to much of the competition, the Fusion Sports Drive is light-years ahead. Their feature set is very advanced for this type of product, with the cardio-controlled biometric interaction being the runaway star. Falco has created a product which has a very competitive price point, successfully utilizes our smartphones in an intelligent way, and pushes e-bike technology forward by being as open as it is. Still, the conversion price may not court many casual riders. Falco’s main challenge will be expanding the market for those wanting an easy, connected e-bike experience.

Cycling Personal Transportation

Robobike Mobile Generator gives your e-bike a jolt on the road

robobikeInventor Chris Wilson wants eto never worry about battery again with his Robobike Mobile Generator. It connects to the back of an electric bicycle, passively stabilizing itself so that the rider can fully enjoy their ride without issue. Also connected to the generator are the bike’s brakes, allowing it to recharge itself when in use. And when you’re done, the Robobike Mobile Generator can power a refrigerator if need be, among other things. Although potentially practical, the product seems a bit awkward.

Cycling Kids/Babies

Follow Me Bicycle Handle wrangles kids on family outings

Follow MeAhhh, yes. The giggles that come with teaching the kids to ride their bikes. That is, until they race ahead or lag behind or aren’t paying attention and run into a tree. Follow Me Bicycle Handle lets mom, dad, or other caretakers take smaller kids out on their bikes, and still maintain some control over where they go and what they do. And if all goes well, maybe mom and dad can have an almost romantic evening walk – romantic only goes so far when the kids are in tow. Backers willing to push this product forward with at least $50 can get a voucher for 50% off once the product hits the market. Expected delivery is July 2016 with a campaign goal of $150,000.


Bicyclick shows that a bike pair divided against itself cannot stand

The Premise. Without kickstands, it’s difficult to keep your bike upright. In addition, when parking a bunch of bikes together with family and friends, one strong breeze can cause a domino effect of falling bikes. No one enjoys untangling bikes that have fallen over.

The Product. Bicyclick is a clever little product that screws into the side of your bike handle. Bikes using this product can click into one another to them upright. The product also comes with a rubber strand that holds down the brakes so that the bikes don’t roll away together. Bicyclick is designed to fit together bikes with handles of different heights and can attach as many bikes as possible. Its completely black and discreet meaning that when its not in use, you won’t even notice it. Different versions make it possible to connect to a variety of handles.

The Pitch. This charming campaign video features soothing Irish music while the creators talk about the pitfalls of fallen bikes. They show the Bicyclick doing its thing with tons of different types of bikes on all different kinds of terrain to display how versatile it is. Photos of the product in action permeate the rest of the campaign. Bicyclick hopes to raise $25,000 in a 45-day Kickstarter campaign. 

The Perks. One Bicyclick costs $25 or two for $42. The product offers different types of attachments for different kinds of handlebars. Estimated delivery is set for October 2014. Reward tiers reach up to $700.

The Potential. For those without a kickstand or those who have had trouble using a kickstand, Bicyclick is the way to go. It’s perfect for couples, families, bike tours or anyone who travels in a pack. It’s great that it attaches and stays on the handlebar, making it easy to use and transport. For many, this product doesn’t seem super necessary, but for outdoorsy types and those who live in California, like the creators, Bicyclick will certainly come in handy. 

Cycling Imaging

Klamp smooths out the bumps in the road for extreme cycling videos

KlampThose involved with extreme sports love to record videos of  their adventures. Various cameras have been developed to help them do just that. Some attach to helmets while others lack any kind of fastening device. The Klamp works with several “extreme” cameras to capture action shots. It allows the user to film their ride in eight different ways and is designed to work with bikes. A pack of two Australian Klamps costs backers $38 AUD. While there are lots of camera arms and clamps out there, Klamp seems to offer more versatility and stabilization for capturing shots. This product hopes to raise $45,000 AUD in a month-long Kicstarter campaign.


Bike Lift&Carry lets your bike ride you for a change

The Premise. Cycling has a great many advantages. Good exercise, clean energy and not having to deal with parking are just a few. Unfortunately, stairs, the natural enemy of the bike, exist. Sometimes it’s necessary to climb up or down stairs when cycling around. Bikes aren’t designed to be carried, making this cumbersome and awkward.

The Product. The appropriately named Bike Lift&Carry is a bike accessory that attaches to the seat post. It features a retractable nylon band that, when extended, loops around the middle of the bikes handle bars. This creates a shoulder strap that makes carrying your bike much easier. It’s strong, too, with the ability to hold up to 70 pounds. One hand rests on the crossbar while the other can be used to grip a railing or hold onto the handlebar to keep it from moving side to side. Assembly is easy and the strap comes in several colors.

The Pitch. The product was created by a Ukrainian couple. The video shows them biking around town, but becoming frustrated by stairs. The husband valiantly offers to help the wife with her bike, but she refuses. They then use Bike Lift&Carry and their marital problems are put to rest. In the remainder of the campaign, the creators are seen in photos using the strap in every which way. Bike Lift&Carry hopes to raise $32,000 USD in their 50-day Kickstarter campaign.

The Perks. This product goes for $45 at an early price or $50 at a regular price. Higher reward tiers offer the product in more durable finishes and flashy colors, such as “rainbow”. Tiers reach up to $200.

The Potential. Carrying bikes is a problem that has not been extensively addressed. Portage lets cyclists attach a piece of leather cushioning to the bars of the bike so that when slung over the shoulder, the metal isn’t too hard. Bike Lift&Carry is one of the first to come up with a way to make bicycles portable on foot. It has a clever design, but may take up valuable space on the seat post for lights and lock holders. Still, this product is great for cycling commuters who hate staircases. 


A low maintenance ride is the #1 Priority

The Premise. The design of modern bicycles has changed little over the years. Since its conception, the typical bike operates just as it did many years ago, but only with better materials. Simple problems that this design comes with have been tolerated because there are so few better options out there.

The Product. Priority is a completely redesigned, updated bicycle. Its creators have made a number of changes to the typical bicycle design all in the hopes of making cycling easier and more convenient for everyone. They started out with a completely aluminum frame for ease of portability without the hassle of rust. Priority’s seats and handlebars were made so that the rider maintains a straight back and good posture. This bike has 3 speeds which exist in its internal hub. For breaking, the rider simply needs to back pedal, which cuts down on the amount of maintenance the bike will need over time. In addition, Priority’s creators have decided to use a belt instead of a chain around the bike’s gears. Chains need lubricant, can rust and usually end up ripping clothes while a belt is smoother and will result in a quieter ride. Finally, the tires are puncture resistant and the use of bolts instead of quick-releases means that the bike is theft deterrent.

The Pitch. With a clean and simple campaign video, Priority’s creators show off the features of their bicycle in an appealing way. They manage to be convincing but not cloying and make the bike really seem like an improved alternative to traditional rides. The rest of the campaign goes more into detail on design specs and even invites interested New Yorkers to stop by the workshop to test ride Priority. This new-fangled bike hopes to raise $30,000 in a month-long Kickstarter campaign.

The Perks. For $349 backers will receive the Priority bicycle by December 2014. The highest and only other bike tier offers 10 Priority rides for $3,499.

The Potential. Bike riding has recently exploded as a great way to not only exercise but to also get around the green way. Once pointed out by Priority, the annoyances of the modern bicycle do seem somewhat intolerable. Bikes that offer more convenience in addition to unnecessary gadgets cost upwards of $1,000. Priority is made extremely intelligently, eschewing tech additions for smart design. While it may not be the flashiest thing on the road, the bike does take everyday concerns into account to make for a simple but dazzling product. Due to its great design and incredibly low price, Priority will certainly take over the bike market in no time.

Cycling Kids/Babies

Dreisch Leaning Trike preps little ones for a two-wheeled ride

Dreisch Leaning TrikeTricycles are a great way for children to enjoy cycling safely, but don’t always prepare kids for a real bike. The Dreisch Leaning Trike mimics an actual bike with the same kind of necessary leaning for turns, but still has three wheels. With this trike, young ones can ride safe while also developing the necessary skills to learn the fundamentals of bicycle riding. While not completely necessary, the Dreisch Leaning Trike has a noble aim and is a great tool for children, much like the Jyrobike. One Dreisch Trike costs $299 on Kickstarter with estimated delivery in September 2014. This leaning trike hopes to raise $10,000 in two months.